Laura Lee 2020/07/08 11:50:31 0 0
If you look where most of your YouTube views come from, you will notice that most of your views don't come from YouTube search. They come from suggested videos. 25% of my views come from search, but 41% come from suggested videos. That is to say, if you can make your video appear as a suggested video, you can get thousands or even millions of views. But how?Starting with step number 1, find a popular video in...
Archer 2019/09/24 04:03:51 0 0
I have been trying to figure this out but I want a list of channels that YoutubeAssist will get the newest video (past 24 hours) of that channel and leave a comment. Could I get some assistance on that?
xuanngoc 2019/09/12 11:47:46 0 0
Hi whitehatbox, I bought TubeAssistPro (TAP) yesterday, so Itried to know how it work but It’s so hard to me. I have some questions pleasetell me the answers1.      1. I’m following these step        Choose accounts => set proxy to them=> click “IP icon” to  bind proxy=>...
tomfraczak 2018/12/03 04:05:59 1 0
How to comment on channels that are commentators on a specific video?How do I send messages to channels that have been again exported as commentators from a video?How can I search for videos and then leave comments on them?I've been struggling all day and can't get it to work. 
cuongmn64 2020/06/17 17:10:59 0 0
can your bot comment on a livestream (specific url not search) from a comment list?Thanks 
rafaltg2 2019/09/09 04:28:38 0 0
Hi, is there a function comment like/upvote?
Archer 2020/11/06 02:27:23 0 0
How would you task it to only leave comments new videos (the last week) on certain channels only.
Red Knight Reborn 2019/10/11 03:49:19 0 0
Hi im really new to this, and i have alit of question.1. Do i need alot of gmail account if buy the unlimited users?2. Do i need to bind all the gmail account to proxy when i made them3. Do i need to buy the pva account creator first so that i can habe alot of gmail accounts and also buy proxy servers?5. Do you sell gmail pva?Im sorry if im out of topic but i think is still related. Need to answer for all 4 questions so i know how it works.By the way do you have whatsup contact number. Because ...
spartak4mpion 2021/06/07 23:14:41 1 0
I have an issue with Find and View. The software finds the video, but only plays it for 20 seconds, even though I set it to play until the end. Could you check, please?
sweetmayor 2021/05/17 16:22:08 0 0
how many maximum account per proxy?is there any standard for that?any suggestion based on experience?thanks...
spartak4mpion 2021/02/12 03:09:43 0 0
Hi,I'm having issues with find and view video by keyword. I keep getting error "bad end. video not found". Also, I'm unable to uncheck "duplicates" and clear cache. Please, see attached image.Thanks,Alex
spartak4mpion 2021/02/10 05:27:55 0 0
When I try to view a video by keyword using 2 or more accounts at the same time, the module can't find a video. How can I use Video by Keyword running 2+ tasks/modules simultaneously? Thank you.
thinhhai0797913333 2020/04/11 01:56:04 0 0
dear team!Can you explain to me, why my module is not running well?the task always stop on step "searching by keyword" and never run view task.i open all day, but it still keep on 1 potion, "searching", "view" is not running.please explain!...
sky007 2020/04/23 14:14:10 0 0
today i bought live version and getting network when i tried to add youtube ac is there any way to fix it?...
skyisnolimit 2020/07/23 05:46:49 0 0
I just using 1 days trial and already get this trouble...debug window login OKhttps://prnt.sc/tmunb5...
Lilian Gimenes 2020/12/30 06:08:32 0 0
Quero comprar o produto como funcionam os proxies
Kithu Joby 2019/07/17 23:47:28 0 0
I have bought around 40 proxies but could not upload it. Please tell step by step procedure to upload this 40 proxies at a single click thereafter i have to buy 1,00,000 proxies.all my 40 proxies are in this format etc etc.How to upload these proxies and run the task..iam...
lprinc16 2020/11/18 00:08:39 1 0
Im very interested in all the features, but I have one question. Is there a way to comment on all recently uploaded videos under a certain topic (with your main account to attract traffic). I assume there is? Most importantly, however, is there a way to get your comments to stop being marked as spam, and not showing up under the videos. Or is there a certain limit to how many times one account can comment?Basically,...
ihakynot 2020/11/24 09:55:49 0 0
    How do you run Multiple Threads?I have a simpleYT View    Account    URL    VIDEOI want to run Multiple Threads (views) running at the same time. I have tested with 2 accounts but only 1 account seems to run and the login and view videos the views are just showing one account as running in TASK
oamalik 2020/12/05 04:30:13 0 0
Hi I spent 2 days full trying to figure out how things work but it has been useless so far.I bought pro version with unlimited accounts. Imported proxies and connected all accounts to different proxies. Ran Views with accounts and I can only get 1 view from 100 accounts and after that it says "Data is repeated" everytime. Same with subscribers. I ran subscribers for one account and it gives one sub and then says the same thing every time I run it "Data is repeated!....
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